Today I had a chat with my sweet friend Jeff Atkinson from WBT news. He has a way of making it feel that you are just having a friendly chat.... He called me this AM (didn't even give me a chance to run and get a major make-over) and asked me if he could interview me for his program Monday at 7 PM. He is doing a story on a law that South Carolina is trying to pass requiring women to get an ultrasound prior to having an abortion. Please pray for Jeff. This is a very important news event. If this law passes it could have national implications. See APA story below:
S.C. Legislation Would Require Ultrasound Before Abortion
By The Associated Press
Sun, Jan. 14 2007 07:54 AM ET
COLUMBIA, S.C. (AP) - Pregnant women seeking an abortion in South Carolina would first have to look at ultrasound images of their fetus under legislation introduced this week.
The bill's sponsors believe the requirement would lead to fewer abortions, with more women opting for adoption or keeping their child.
"In having an ultrasound, someone who's considering an abortion can see it's not just a blob of tissue, that it is a human life," said Sen. Larry Grooms, R-Bonneau. "Once their decision is fully understood, they're more likely to choose life."
Pro-choice activists criticize the measure as restricting women's reproductive rights.
"It's another intimidation tactic aimed at restricting access," said Lindsay Siler, a spokeswoman for Planned Parenthood Health Systems in Raleigh, N.C.
But the bill's chief sponsor, Sen. Kevin Bryant, argued the proposal does not take away any rights. "This would give them a more informed choice," said the Anderson Republican. "A 10-week-old baby has 10 developed fingers and toes. That's a picture I would like people to see when they consider."
Before performing an abortion, doctors would be required to verify the gestational age of a fetus with an ultrasound, then show the ultrasound images to the patient, who must sign a consent form saying she's reviewed them.
NARAL Pro-Choice America believes women should have the option of an ultrasound, but they should not be forced to undergo a medically unnecessary procedure and view the images against their will. "The women of South Carolina are fully capable of asking their doctor for information they need to make private, personal medical decisions. Politicians don't belong in the examining room," said Nancy Keenan, president of the Washington-based group. In its 2006 report card on women's reproductive rights, Pro-Choice America gave South Carolina an "F," ranking it 38th among the 50 states and Washington, D.C. It included among South Carolina's negatives that it restricts insurance coverage of abortions, requires parental consent for teens younger than 17, and allows doctors to refuse to provide abortions. Grooms said he doesn't mind the "F."
Advocates for the Senate bill include the Palmetto Family Council. "A woman who looks into the face of her child on the screen or printout might think twice," said its president, Oran Smith. "As much information as our technology can afford her is a good thing."
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