Wednesday, June 8, 2011

North Carolina House Approves Choose Life License Plates

by Steven Ertelt | Charlotte, NC | | 6/8/11 11:20 AM

The North Carolina state House yesterday approved legislation to allow motorists in the Tar Heel State to purchase Choose Life license plates to adorn their vehicles and spread a pro-life, pro-adoption message.

The House voted 70-44 to authorize dozens of new specialty plates, including the Choose Life plate, that require an extra $25 fee to purchase — with $15 going to pregnancy centers that provide women with abortion alternatives for each plate sold in the state.

According to an AP report, Carteret County Republican Rep. Pat McElraft told legislators the plates will raise money for Carolina Pregnancy Care Fellowship and “save some babies lives.” However, some Democrats opposed the measure because they didn’t want licence plates becoming a forum for debate on abortion.

AP indicates the House rejected a pro-abortion amendment Democrats brought that would have added a “Respect Choice” license plate benefiting the pro-abortion side.

Last year, Bobbie Meyer, the state director of Carolina Pregnancy Care Fellowship, told LifeNews: “North Carolina is the only state in the southeast that refuses to let its citizens purchase the choose life license plate. For eight years the legislation for the choose life plate has been denied a vote even though more than 130 other plates have been approved.”

“The choose life license plate has already raised over 12 million dollars in the states that allow them thereby helping mothers and their families,” she added. “Here in NC there are 85 pregnancy care centers who last year saw over 46,000 women and children.”

Despite popular support for the plate, Planned Parenthood officials strongly oppose it.

“These license plates are specialty plates that bear an anti-choice message,” the group said an email obtained asking its members to urge legislators to vote no.

Planned Parenthood complained that the funds from the plate will go to pregnancy centers that provide women with real choices and tangible help in an unplanned pregnancy. As the abortion business claimed, the centers “promise comprehensive medical advice and services but deliver anti-choice propaganda.” Planned Parenthood also complained it would be ineligible to receive funds because it does abortions while the plate’s goals are to promote adoption and helping women in crisis pregnancies.

The approval of the Choose Life plate comes after significant hard work from pro-life groups in the state, including North Carolina Right to Life and North Carolina Pro-Life Democrats.

The Tar Heel State is home to over 100 specialized license plates promoting everything from Save the Sea Turtle to NASCAR driver Greg Biffle. The Choose Life tag was tied up in the Transportation Committee for five years and now, residents may be closer to having tags available.

Ultimately, the Choose Life plates across the nation have raised over $8.7 million and over 400,000 plates have been sold or renewed in the 17 states that currently have the plate available.

NC Right to Life, the Roman Catholic Dioceses of Charlotte and Raleigh, NC Baptist Association, Russ Amerling, National Director of Choose Life license plates, The Family Policy Council of NC, Civitas NC, The Christian Action League, and NC Pro-Life Democrats all support the plates. There are currently 80 pregnancy centers across the Tar Heel State that served more than 46,000 women, men and families last year.

Brevard graphic artist Deborah Vernon Scott designed the proposed North Carolina plate, which depicts mountains and waves separated by two children’s faces on a yellow background. The phrase “Choose Life” is emblazoned in red at top.

ACTION: Tell your legislators to support the plate by going to

Option Line

I get calls all the time from people looking for resources for family/friends experiencing unplanned pregnancies. The Option Line ( provides great information which you can share.
What can friends do?

It’s nerve-racking to figure out the right thing to do or to say when your friend is facing an unplanned pregnancy. But the most meaningful way you can support her is simply to be there.

  • Listen.
  • Keep calm.
  • Suggest help.

Let your friend speak when she wants, and calmly listen. She will be grateful for an open ear as she processes her emotions and the difficult choices ahead of her.

You, however, might rapidly feel overwhelmed if you’re her only resource. The Option Line is available any time, day or night. They offer free, caring and confidential help and can quickly connect your friend to the local assistance she needs.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Divine Disconnect: Should Faith Leaders Be Talking to Their Congregations About Sex?

May 16 2011



Last month, the Guttmacher Institute released a report (PDF) showing that contraceptive use among religious women is in fact a norm and that three-quarters of never-married women are sexually experience by their early twenties, regardless of religious affiliation. Some other key findings included the following:

  • Among all women who have had sex, 99% have ever used a contraceptive method other than natural family planning. This figure is virtually the same among Catholic women (98%).
  • Only 2% of Catholic women rely on natural family planning; this is true even among Catholic women who attend church once a month or more.
  • Among never-married adolescent women, 42% have ever had sex. While levels of sexual experience vary somewhat across the three main religious groups, these differences are not statistically significant.
  • Among never-married young adult women, 79% are sexually experienced. Evangelicals are less likely than Catholics or Mainline Protestants to have ever had sex (75% vs. 89% and 86%, respectively).

This study once again highlights the disconnect between traditional religious teachings and beliefs and an individual's actual behavior. Not only is the proportion of religious, never-been-married women with sexual experience very similar to the proportion of the overall population, but these women are also using contraception regardless of whether or not their religion accepts it. This implies that the topics of contraception and sexuality should not be excluded from religious settings and conversations.

The question about the role of religious institutions and faith leaders when it comes to this issue has been the subject of much discussion, for example in a Washington Post op-ed written last month by The National Campaign's CEO Sarah Brown. Should faith leaders be a primary source of this type of information for their congregation? How do they make that decision when many Church hierarchies continue to denounce the use of contraception other than natural family planning? There is also the problem that many faith leaders are unaware of what proportion of their congregation that's unmarried is sexually active, since that type of discussion is typically not encouraged in a faith setting. Because of this, when reports like this one are released with statistics showing high rates of sexual activity and contraceptive use among religious women, some faith leaders assume that this must not be the case in their church simply since they don't hear about it. So the question is, how do we go about getting faith leaders and religious institutions to connect the dots and realize that what statistics are showing probably represents the young people who are sitting right in front of them?

A recent article in Neue magazine (link below) features several stories about why it is critical for religious organizations to start addressing unplanned pregnancies, abortion, and family planning. It also touches upon the shame factor that goes along with being a sexually active yet religious young adult and often deters these young people from seeking needed advice or counsel from their faith leaders. Particularly for this reason, faith leaders should strive to create a welcoming environment that encourages members of the congregation to feel comfortable addressing topics typically stigmatized in religious settings. A great example of this, featured in the article, is Pastor Dharius Daniels of Kingdom Church in Ewing, NJ. Pastor Daniels has begun offering "Ask Me Anything" forums, where youth and young adults can come and literally ask him any question they have--most of which, he says, so far have been sex-related. He talks about how this has been an eye-opening experience for him and has really allowed him to get into his congregation's heads and helped him to better address their needs.

I think this effort to close the divide between one's own perceptions and what statistics are showing is critical in making progress in this area. Faith leaders are in a position with incredible influence and by encouraging open conversations and increasing the trust that exists in the leader-congregation relationship, they can help many youth and young adults get the information they want and need. To read more examples of what members of the faith community are saying and what you could do to help, check out the Neue article for yourself: "True Love Isn't Waiting."

Posted by: Sara Major
©2011, The National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy
1776 Massachusetts Ave., NW, Suite 200, Washington, DC 20036
ph: (202) 478-8507. fax: (202) 478-8588. CFC #10496

The Public Costs of Unplanned Pregnancy

The Public Costs of Unplanned Pregnancy

Unplanned pregnancy costs taxpayers approximately $11 billion each year, according to two new studies from the Guttmacher Institute and Brookings Institution. Additional new research provides the first-ever state-by-state estimates of unintended pregnancy. Among the headlines:

  • Preventing unplanned pregnancy would yield substantial taxpayer savings. As Adam Thomas and Emily Monea of Brookings conclude, “The prevention of unintended pregnancy represents an important opportunity for the public to reap substantial savings, especially given the current fiscal climate. The enactment or expansion of cost-effective policies to prevent unintended pregnancies is therefore a timely and sensible strategy.”
  • Fully 64% of births resulting from unplanned pregnancies were publicly funded in 2006---compared with 48% of all births and 35% of births resulting from intended pregnancies.
  • At least 38% of pregnancies are unintended in all 50 states---more than half are unintended in 29 states and D.C.
  • The media state unintended pregnancy rate was 51 per 1,000 women aged 15-44.
©2011, The National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy
1776 Massachusetts Ave., NW, Suite 200, Washington, DC 20036
ph: (202) 478-8507. fax: (202) 478-8588. CFC #10496

Choose Life Plate To Get House Vote

Choose Life Plate To Get House Vote

Special Report - June 3, 2011

On Thursday, the House Finance Committee passed HB 289—Authorize Various Special Plates, a bill that would give approval to a number of new specialty license plates for North Carolina drivers, including a long awaited “Choose Life” plate. The measure will now receive a vote on the House floor. Should HB 289 become law, North Carolina drivers would finally have the opportunity to purchase a “Choose Life” specialty license plate and help raise money for the state’s Pregnancy Resource Centers (PRCs), organizations that provide services and support for women considering alternatives to abortion. Under the measure, part of the proceeds from the sale of each “Choose Life” plate will be directed to the Carolina Pregnancy Care Fellowship, a nonprofit group charged with distributing the funds to the state’s Pregnancy Resource Centers.

In the Finance Committee, after primary bill sponsor Rep. Mitch Gillespie (R-McDowell) offered a brief explanation of the measure, the debate quickly focused on the inclusion of the “Choose Life” plate, which has been proposed for authorization for nearly a decade. Rep. Paul Luebke (D-Orange) offered an amendment, which sought to place restrictions on use of funds gained by the “Choose Life” plate, proposing that they only be directed to organizations that provide counseling for “all legal options,” including abortion. Rep. Gillespie urged committee members to vote down the amendment, adding that, as the bill’s sponsor, he would not allow the bill to proceed if such an amendment were adopted. After lengthy debate, Rep. Luebke’s amendment failed by a vote of 12-16.

Rep. Kelly Alexander (D-Mecklenburg) then proposed an amendment, which would have added another specialty plate to the bill, with part of the proceeds from the sale of the plate to be directed to Planned Parenthood. Some committee members voiced support for the change, arguing that it was only fair that both sides of the abortion debate be represented. As we previously reported, this amendment, which was also proposed during consideration in the House Transportation Committee in May, was rejected by a vote of 14-15.

An additional amendment, proposed by Rep. Deborah Ross (D-Wake) sought to increase state regulation of the PRCs, which typically operate on a small budget, relying heavily on volunteers. That amendment also failed. The vote was 11-16. Ultimately, the House Finance committee passed the un-amended version of HB 289 by a vote of 17-13. It will now go to the House floor for consideration there.

Copyright © 2011. North Carolina Family Policy Council. All rights reserved.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Fast Fact- Sexually Transmitted Diseases

Untreated gonorrhea and chlamydia can result in pelvic inflammatory disease in women, a condition that can cause infertility. Each year, STDs cause at least 24,000 women in the U.S. to become infertile. Check your risk for STDs at

CDC. 2009 Sexually Transmitted Diseases Surveillance. Trends in Sexually Transmitted Diseases in the United States: 2009 National Data for Gonorrhea, Chlamydia and Syphilis. Available online at:

STD wizard

Take 5 minutes to find out if you need to get tested for an STI such as HIV, hepatitis, or chlamydia.

Remember that you need to visit a healthcare provider for all your health needs. Information based on 2006 sexually transmitted disease (STD) risk assessment and screening guidelines, from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The CDC is the nation's top health agency.

HB 854-Woman's Right to Know

Legislative Alert

June 6, 2011

The NC House of Representatives will consider HB 854-Woman's Right to Know, probably on Tuesday, June 7. This important measure will require abortionists to provide information to their patients about the abortion procedure. A woman considering an abortion will also have the opportunity to see an ultrasound of her unborn child before choosing to have the abortion. Legislative staff estimates this bill will save the lives of almost 3,000 children each year.

Contact your State Representative NOW!

HB 854, will require all doctors who do abortions to provide specific information to the women who are making the irreversible decision to end the life of their unborn child.

The bill requires a 24-hour waiting period before an abortion could be performed in North Carolina. That time period would start after the woman is provided with the following information:

  • The medical risks associated with the procedure
  • The psychological risks
  • The probable gestational age of the unborn child
  • Information about the opportunity to view an ultrasound
  • The name of the physician who will perform the abortion
  • Whether the abortionist has malpractice liability insurance
  • The location of the hospital that offers obstetrical or gynecological care within 30 miles where the abortionist has clinical privileges, should hospitalization be necessary

This bill is expected to go to full House for a vote as early as Tuesday, June 7. It must pass the House before the "crossover" deadline at the end of the day on June 9. Please go to our Citizen Action Center and call or email your representative by clicking on the link below.

Please contact your Representative NOW and ask them to SUPPORT HB 854-Abortion-Woman's Right to Know Act.

PS: We hope you will
forward this legislative alert to your those who support this effort. Thanks for your help!