LifeNews.com 7/23
Barack Obama's Pledge to Overturn Every Pro-Life Abortion Law 1 Year Old
Washington, DC (LifeNews.com) --
One year ago this week, Barack Obama promised activists with the nation's largest abortion business that the first thing he would do as president is overturn every pro-life law in all 50 states. Obama said his first action would be signing the mislabeled Freedom of Choice Act (FOCA). The measure, if it becomes law, would codify Roe v. Wade by making the infamous Supreme Court decision allowing unlimited abortions the law of the land. But it would go further, warns Tony Perkins of the Family Research Council. "If FOCA were to become law it would overturn hundreds of state laws that have put limits on abortion," he explains. Perkins points to a new research paper written by FRC Vice President of Government Affairs Tom McClusky and he said Planned Parenthood, NARAL and other pro-abortion groups agree with this assessment. The ACLU has said, "This [FOCA] bill prohibits such restrictions as parental notification and consent, as well as the requirement that all abortions be performed in a hospital, spousal consent, waiting periods, etc."
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