Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Ministry Update from Dawn

Lois’ Lodge Ministry Update November 20, 2008

Can you believe it’s almost time for Christmas?

I remember when I was twelve, wishing with all my might that I was a teenager. My grandmother wisely cautioned me not to “wish my life away”. She said before I knew it I would be old like her and wonder where the time went. Well, I wouldn’t consider myself old quite yet, but I am wondering how the time slips away so quickly!!

Right now I feel the Lord impressing me to slow down just a bit and be intentional about how I spend my time and resources. There is no better way to invest what He has blessed me with than to reach out to others – sharing myself, my time, my money, my family and other resources.

I challenge you to do the same - Take a break and evaluate. And let me know what He impresses you with. I’d like to be encouraged by hearing how God is speaking to you.

The Fall Banquet of Hope was held on November 6th. The Lord filled the ballroom with 355 people who wanted to learn about His work in the lives of women, babies and families. Many new friends were made and support was raised as a result.

Someone has met the need for copying. Thank you to Qwik Copies on Kings Drive!

Prayer Requests!
We have 3 expectant moms due in December. Please pray for their unborn babies and the incredible miracle that they are about to experience. This baby might have been conceived outside of God’s will – but life is always a miracle!

Also, pray for our staff as they deal with a house full of pregnant young women - 3 due in one month!

Please pray for the family relationships of our clients. The holidays have a way of spotlighting relational breakdowns. Join my in committing these issues to the Lord, who is able to heal and restore.

Please pray for the mother-in-law of a staff member, who is having major health issues and is no longer able to care for herself, and pray for the family who is caring for her.

Also please pray for the son of a staff member who is having medical problems.

How YOU Can Help – Ministry Needs!
We are in desperate need of a team to rake leaves, pick up sticks, and weed the yards at our 4 homes.

Catering is needed for our Lunch & Learn on the 3rd Friday of each month. We are looking for someone who can donate a light lunch for these events. Attendance varies from 6 to 15 people.

Donation Drive Needed. We need paper products including bathroom tissue, paper towels, copy paper and postage stamps for the administrative office.

We also need donations of the 100 calorie snack packs and bottled water. We use these for participants in our classes at the Mom Shoppe Learning Center.

I’m looking for secret pals to encourage our program staff with words of encouragement, notes and very small gifts. A 3 month commitment will encourage someone who gives tirelessly to ministry of our clients.

If you have any questions, comments or are able to meet any of the mentioned needs please contact me.

Learn More!
If you or someone you know is interested in learning more about Lois’ Lodge we offer 3 events to help...

Lunch & Learn – 3rd Friday of each month at noon. This one hour presentation provides a history and ministry overview along with a tour. Lunch is complimentary but reservations are required.

Volunteer Orientation – 2nd Thursday of each month at 6:30pm. This one hour orientation includes an overview of the ministry as well as volunteer program. A tour is included. Please let me know if you are coming.

Informational Coffee – Beginning with the new year we would like for some of our ministry friends to host an informational coffee/dessert in their homes. Invite your small group, friends, and neighbors to learn about Lois’ Lodge. A representative will come and do a presentation. This is an informational meeting only, not a fundraiser. If you are interested in hosting one please contact me.

I pray that you have a beautiful Thanksgiving holiday. May God bless you and use you to bless and encourage others!

With Gratitude,
Dawn Guptill, Development Coordinator
Lois’ Lodge