Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Ministry Update

Ministry Update from Dawn........

Lunch & Learn
3rd Friday of each month at noon.
Spend your lunch hour with us; learn more about Lois' Lodge through a tour and informational presentation. Lunch is complimentary. Dates for 2008: October 17th, November 21st, December 19th. Reservations are required. For more information or to reserve space contact Dawn Guptill at (704) 376-8550 or dg_loislodge@bellsouth.net

We thank God for his work in the life of former client, Cindy. She has decided to make an outward statement about her personal relationship with the Lord through Baptism. Cindy will be baptized on October 25th.

Several women from the community have participated this month in our Mom Shoppe learning opportunities, and as a result have been able to earn needed items for themselves and their babies. We praise God that he is expanding our territory to reach out to women who need our support with non-residential services. More important than the learning opportunities and material needs, we are blessed to share a Gospel presentation with each participant.

We are thankful for small groups who have recently provided for our needs through a frozen food drive and have provided cleaning services.

We are extremely grateful to the Lord for providing for the needs of this ministry even in light of a struggling economy. Thank you to our friends who continue to give out of their love for the Lord and their desire to be a part of his work.

Opportunities to Serve
Holiday Classes - In the month of November we are looking for small groups who would like to spend time with the residents doing holiday crafts, or doing mini "cooking classes" to teach, prepare and enjoy a holiday style meal with our residents. Times are available on Tuesday evenings. Contact Dawn regarding specific dates.

Secret Pals – This is a new opportunity to encourage our staff. Secret pals will commit to pray for a staff member and send cards, prayers and very small gift items to show our tireless program staff some unconditional love. This is a 3 month commitment.

Mentors – mentors are women with a vibrant personal relationship with Christ, who commit to meet with residents once per week to be a friend and prayer partner. This commitment lasts the course of the resident’s pregnancy.

Ministry Needs!
Light Bulbs for our porch lights
Mini Blinds or pleated shades sizes: Laundry room 36 by 37(we need 1) Doors 271/2 by 64 (we need 4), Hallway-331/2 by 69 (we need 2)
New Tires for our van: a Ford E-350
Ink Cartridges: hp 56, 57, 20, 49
Reusable Water Bottles
We are in constant need of office supplies and appreciate office store gift cards to help offset the costs.

Prayer Requests!
Please be in prayer for our clients as they are making difficult decisions regarding how they should parent their children. They have the option of parenting the child themselves or allowing another couple to parent through adoption. At Lois' Lodge we encourage clients to seek God and allow him to guide them. He formed each precious child and has a perfect plan for their life.

Please be in prayer for our upcoming Banquet of Hope on November 6, 2008. Would you pray that the Lord would fill our tables with people who are passionate about joining God at work in ministry through financial support, in-kind donations and volunteerism? In order to sustain our work we need to increase awareness and support for Lois’ Lodge.

We would love to hear from you!
Do you have prayer requests, suggestions or questions?
Please contact us by phone at (704) 376-8550 or email.