Saturday, September 20, 2008
President Bush Honors Pregnancy Centers 9/19
President Bush to Honor Pregnancy Center Volunteers With Service Award
Washington, DC ( -- Dozens of volunteers at pregnancy centers across the country will receive distinguished service awards at a White House ceremony today. The award shows the appreciation President Bush has for the millions of volunteers, staff, board members and supporters of centers that help women avoid abortions. The President's Volunteer Service Award will be conferred on 32 Heartbeat International affiliated pregnancy resource centers and 55 volunteers who serve at the centers. Assistant Secretary for Health Admiral Joxel Garcia will bestow the honors on the dedicated advocates of women and children for the significant contributions they have made to their communities. Heartbeat International President Peggy Hartshorn told she is "thrilled to see our volunteers honored by the Administration."
Friday, September 19, 2008
Where to Start......
But where was I to start? The world is so vast. I shall start with the country I know best, my own. But my country is so very large. I had better start with my town. But my town, too, is large. I had best start with my street. No: my home. No: my family. Never mind, I shall start with myself.
-- Elie Wiesel
-- Elie Wiesel
Cartoon Ridicules Palin's Faith
CitizenLink 9/18
Cartoon Ridicules Palin's Faith
The Washington Post Web site features a political cartoon that mocks Gov. Sarah Palin's faith.
Cartoonist Pat Oliphant takes aim at Palin's Pentecostal beliefs, portraying the vice presidential candidate as speaking gibberish that is incomprehensible even to God.
Kristen Fyfe, a senior writer at the Media Research Center, said this is just the latest evidence of the liberal media bias.
“They are really trying to find just about anything that they can to throw at her to make her seem unappealing or take the bloom off of the rose," she told Family News in Focus.
Washington Post ombudsman Deborah Howell conceded the cartoon was overdoing it and "readers were right to complain."
Tom Minnery, senior vice president for government and public policy at Focus on the Family Action, weighed in during today's Election Video Update.
"If this very repugnant cartoon gets wide play," he said, "it will boost Sarah Palin's popularity, strictly because of the backlash."
Crib Notes
The latest edition of our Crib Notes Newsletter is now available online. Go to: or click on CRIB NOTES title of this blog.
Please check it out - and feel free to forward to those you feel may be interested in the work of Lois' Lodge in minsistering to women, babies and families.
Thanks for your friendship and support!
Pizza Night
Pizza Night to Benefit Lois' Lodge
Please join us
Tuesday, September 30th from 5 to 9pm
7828 Rea Rd. Suite F
Charlotte, NC 28277
Bring your friends and family!
Enjoy a great meal of pizza, pasta
When you mention that you are with Lois' Lodge
Owner Phil Mannio will donate a percentage of the proceeds from your purchase to benefit our program.
(Thanks Phil!)
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Comfortable with controversy
Pastor Steve Furtick of Elevation Church has a blog which he updates often. I always look forward to hearing more about what the Lord has laid on Pastor Furtick's heart. I have watched this church closely as my sonshine goes there and I have been impressed with their boldness and creativity in reaching our community with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Check out Elevation Church and Pastor Furtick's blog. Good stuff! Debbie
Pastor Steven Furtick Blog Update
Comfortable with controversy
Posted: 18 Sep 2008 07:55 AM CDT
I told our team the other day:
We’ve got to become more comfortable with controversy!
We’ve learned how to tolerate it and move past it. Now it’s time for us to learn to view it as a gift, and use it to our advantage. Controversy is a sign of progress. Controversy is a sign of impact. Controversy is a precursor to promotion. And a training ground for greater things.
If you want to be like Christ, expect controversy.
And when it comes, don’t fight it. Ride it. Pray through it. Learn from it. Celebrate it.
And watch God use it to elevate you to your next level.
Pastor Steven Furtick Blog Update
Comfortable with controversy
Posted: 18 Sep 2008 07:55 AM CDT
I told our team the other day:
We’ve got to become more comfortable with controversy!
We’ve learned how to tolerate it and move past it. Now it’s time for us to learn to view it as a gift, and use it to our advantage. Controversy is a sign of progress. Controversy is a sign of impact. Controversy is a precursor to promotion. And a training ground for greater things.
If you want to be like Christ, expect controversy.
And when it comes, don’t fight it. Ride it. Pray through it. Learn from it. Celebrate it.
And watch God use it to elevate you to your next level.
Do Something About It!
I always wondered why somebody didn't do something about that, then I realized I was somebody.
-- Lily Tomlin
-- Lily Tomlin
Libertarian Group Condemns Sarah Palin for Not Killing Disabled Baby in Abortion
Libertarian Group Condemns Sarah Palin for Not Killing Disabled Baby in Abortion
by Steven Ertelt
September 17, 2008
Washington, DC ( -- A writer for a libertarian group has written perhaps the most scathing attack on pro-life vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin since the Alaska governor was announced weeks ago as John McCain's running mate. Nicholas Provenzo condemns Palin for the birth of her baby Trig, who has Down syndrome.
Provenzo, who writes for the Center for the Advancement of Capitalism, not only bashes her for allowing Trig to be born, but says she should have made the so-called morally justifiable decision to kill him in an abortion.
The Center for the Advancement of Capitalism bills itself as a group "dedicated to advancing individual rights and economic freedom through Ayn Rand's philosophy of Objectivism."
"Like many, I am troubled by the implications of Alaska governor and Republican Vice Presidential candidate Sarah Palin's decision to knowingly give birth to a child disabled with Down syndrome," Provenzo writes.
"Given that Palin's decision is being celebrated in some quarters, it is crucial to reaffirm the morality of aborting a fetus diagnosed with Down syndrome (or by extension, any unborn fetus)—a freedom that anti-abortion advocates seek to deny," he adds.
Provenzo advocates not only a discriminatory, but apparently a pro-eugenics view of the disabled that rivals that of Nazi Germany.
"A parent has a moral obligation to provide for his or her children until these children are equipped to provide for themselves," he contends. "Because a person afflicted with Down syndrome is only capable of being marginally productive (if at all) and requires constant care and supervision, unless a parent enjoys the wealth to provide for the lifetime of assistance that their child will require, they are essentially stranding the cost of their child's life upon others."
Provenzo goes on to condemn National Review writer Michael Franc, who sees Down syndrome's victims as "ambassadors of God" who "offer us the opportunity to rise to that greatest of all challenges."
In a rebuke that smacks of selfishness at its worse, Provenzo says, "for many" potential parents of disabled babies, "that opportunity for challenge is little more than a lifetime of endless burden."
Fortunately for Trig, Palin decided otherwise.
While as many as 80-90 percent of unborn children diagnosed with Down syndrome become victims of abortion, Palin didn't let her child become a statistic. Palin, who has deeply-felt pro-life views, gave birth to her fifth child in April and the baby was diagnosed with the condition.
"Trig is beautiful and already adored by us," Palin said in a statement obtained at the time.
"We knew through early testing he would face special challenges, and we feel privileged that God would entrust us with this gift and allow us unspeakable joy as he entered our lives," she said.
'We have faith that every baby is created for good purpose and has potential to make this world a better place. We are truly blessed," the 44 year-old governor added.
Trig was born one month before his due date, and he weighed 6 pounds, 2 ounces.
ACTION: Contact the Center for the Advancement of Capitalism with your condemnation of his remarks at or
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
American Idol Winner Defends Sexual Abstinence
American Idol Winner Defends Sexual Abstinence
By Jenna Murphy
September 11, 2008 ( - Jordin Sparks, last year's American Idol winner, has high standards and at this year's MTV video music awards (VMA), she fearlessly made them public.
Sparks was prompted to make an off-the-cuff statement in defense of sexual abstinence at this year's MTV's awards, following its onstage ridicule by the show's host.
The host of the VMAs, Russell Brand, a British comedian whose style of hosting the awards has been termed "x-rated" took shots at the Jonas Brothers, a group of three brothers who are well known in the entertainment industry for wearing chastity rings and for being vocal advocates of premarital chastity.
"I'd take it a little more seriously if they'd wear it on their genitals," said Brand about the boys' promise rings. Brand then joked that the brothers' decision not to have sex before marriage was "a little bit ungrateful because they could have sex with any woman they want. That is like Superman deciding not to fly and go everywhere on a bus."
A few minutes later, however, Sparks shot back from the podium: "I just have one thing to say about promise rings. It's not bad to wear a promise ring, because not everybody - guy or girl - wants to be a slut."
Sparks did not retreat from her passionate defense of abstinence before marriage in a Wednesday appearance on Fox's "Hannity and Colmes."
After being congratulated for having taken a stand on national television at the VMAs, Sparks responded:
"You know, I never do stuff like that, and so I went up there, and it was a split-second decision. And right when I got up there at the mike, I was just like, 'OK, I'm going to say it...and so I said it and it just came out," said Sparks.
Sparks comment at the VMA's was met with an audible cheer from the crowd and elicited a sheepish apology from the show's host.
"I didn't mean to take it lightly," Brand said about purity rings. "I don't want to piss off teenage fans."
However, Brand could not resist a parting shot, observing that, while he supported chastity rings, "a bit of sex, it never hurt anybody."
During her interview with FOX News, Sparks admitted that it is difficult to be a young woman dedicated to sexual abstinence while being a part of the entertainment industry.
"It's crazy being in Hollywood and making this kind of choice," she said. "You know, they're kind of just waiting to see if I mess up or something like that, so it is - it's hard…So now I really have to watch what I say, and who I hang out with, where I go, all that kind of stuff. So it does get a little bit more added pressure."
Monday, September 15, 2008
Cupcakes for Life?!?!?
Why Cupcakes?
Simply because everyone wants them!
Cupcakes were designed for children's birthday parties. We love Children and we love birthdays. We think this would be a good way to tell people that we think that every child should be allowed to have a birthday.
Bring in a tray of cupcakes for any group of people and you will find that they will flock to get them. As soon as they take a bite they will probably ask, "Who's birthday is it?"
Then you answer. "It's no ones birthday. These cupcakes represent the 50,000,000 children who weren't allowed to be born, who never had a birthday." The cake in their mouth will become dry and the moment will hopefully become quite somber. Then you say, "If you and I were aborted we wouldn't have a birthday party either."
The idea behind is to spread the terrible truth about the assault on the unborn in a thoughtful, unique, and kind way.
Cupcake Ideas
No matter what the cause is, everyone wants a cupcake!
We want you to have total freedom to dream about how to bring forth the pro-life message using cupcakes! You are going to have fun making and handing out these cakes! Here are a few suggested ideas, however they are just suggestions.
The only rules for our campaign are these:
Make beautiful cupcakes!
Give them out in the name of life!
Try to do it on October 9th 2008
Take some pictures and send them to our myspace!
Ideas for high school kids:
Bring the cupcakes to your homeroom or to your lunch table and hand them out. Then explain that for every two people in the room there is one person who was not allowed to have a birthday.
Hand the cupcakes out with plastic baby fetus's, they normally come at the size of a 11 week baby which is the age and size of the average abortion.
Hand them the cupcakes and ask people if they would like to see what an abortion looks like. If they say yes show them a picture of an aborted baby. These can be downloaded and printed from the internet. Just put the word Abortion into google and hit "images" and you will see abortion in full color. Burn an image onto a C.D. and then take it to staples to be printed on photo paper. Please don't show anyone who does not want to see it, and also don't show anyone under 13. (Note: this type of pro-life activism is not for everyone so don't feel like you need to do this to participate in National Pro-Life cupcake day.)
Ideas for elementary school kids:
Some kids are not ready to know everything about abortion; however, a mom could bake a batch of cupcakes that just say: I Heart Babies on them. The young student could go into class and tell all of his or her friends about how babies need lots of love as they slowly grow inside their mommies.
Ideas for Mothers:
Invite some teenage girls over to bake the cupcakes then in your kitchen. Educate them about pregnancy and abstinence. Then challenge them to make cup cakes that represent how they feel about the unborn. Then have them take the cakes to their school and hand them out.
If you are a mother who has had an abortion, then this is the perfect opportunity for you to invite some young girls over and share your testimony with them. Maybe your story will save their unplanned children's lives.
Ideas for youth pastors:
Invite your youth to your house the night before national pro-life cupcake day and make a thousand cupcakes with them. Make sure to take the time to dialog with them why life is so sacred. Then have your youth hand them out at school.
Contact your local bakery and ask if they are willing to partner with you by giving you cupcakes at a discounted rate all with the word LIFE on them.
Ideas for Bakery's
Put the word Life on all of your cup cakes and give them out free on October 9th 2008National Cupcake day! Invite some kids into your bakery the night before to make cupcakes for school.
For more info: | | |
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