Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Free Speech and the Choose Life License Plate

Anti-Abortion Activists Want License Plate Rights Tempers Flare Over Polarizing Free-Speech Issue
Posted: Oct, 20 2009 - AOL

Vanity plates -- those alphanumeric jumbles that provide windows into a driver's soul, from "QT PIE" to "NYCEHUH" -- are huge financial bonanzas for states. With more than nine million of them in circulation and registration and renewal fees ranging from $20 to more than $100, some states can rely on yearly revenue beyond seven figures.

Vanity plates are personalized and highly personal -- everyone knows that the message is the driver's alone. If you're tooling through St. Louis and end up behind a car with a plate that reads "BCK OFF," you don't assume that the sentiment is endorsed or supported by anyone at the DMV or the Missouri government. Still, governments have rules about what is and isn't allowed on a plate. A Colorado woman so fond of bean curd that she applied for "ILVTOFU" was declined on the grounds that it could be misread. A librarian in Nevada named Stacy who had the vanity plate "XSTACY" for more than two decades was shocked when Nevada said she couldn't renew it: the state felt that the plate was now more synonymous with the drug than the woman, and illegal references are strictly banned.

You Can't Show Your Support Here
New Jersey
New York
In the above states, drivers currently can't show their support (either for or against abortion) according to state laws.

Special interest license plates, or specialty plates, that endorse a specific charitable cause such as California's Coastal Commission plates or Ohio's Pet License plates, present more difficult issues. They often bring in even more money than vanity plates, since the specialty plate fee is assessed on top the vanity plate surcharge. Florida introduced the first vanity plate after the Space Shuttle Challenger disaster in 1986. Twenty-one years later, in fiscal 2007, the Sunshine State booked $33.5 million in revenues from its 113 specialty plates alone.

In most cases more than half of the fee for a specialty plate, and sometimes almost all of the fee, actually goes to the charitable organization responsible for the creation of the plate. The state then keeps a small percentage for manufacturing and administration.

But the arrival of the Choose Life specialty plate -- another Florida creation -- and the lawsuits that have followed it around the country, have kept many judges in many courts busy trying to decide between the First Amendment and states' rights. The question is, is a specialty plate a matter of free speech, and if so, whose? The individual's, or the state's?

The Choose Life plate was made available to Florida drivers in 2000, after a four year legislative and judicial fight, and in 2007 it was the 8th most popular plate offered. The organization behind it, Choose Life, Inc., has been fighting to get the plate approved in every united state. The court battles that it has been waging for years and increasingly winning usually pit it against the ACLU and Planned Parenthood. According to Choose Life, Inc. as of July 1, 22 states have Choose Life license plates, three states have approved them but they aren't yet available, 13 states are working on it, there are lawsuits in three other states, and in 9 states there is no work being done on the issue. Yet.
Choose Life plate
An example of a pro-life license plate, for the state of Florida, supported by Choose Life, Inc. Debates rage across the nation as to the legality of such plates.

At its most basic, Choose Life, Inc. is a non-profit. As far as the license plate is concerned, though, the charity wants to provide money for crisis pregnancy centers that will provide counseling and avenues for adoption for expectant mothers. Of the $22 paid to renew the plate, $20 goes to organizations supported by Choose Life, Inc. and the plate's success has brought in more than $6 million. What has brought on the lawsuits is that Choose Life, Inc. only supports organizations that do not perform, nor refer, nor counsel on abortions, and the Planned Parenthood and the ACLU have taken issue with that, claiming that any state that issues the Choose Life plate is endorsing one side of a debate -- the anti-abortion side.

The argument being used to counter that is that the Choose Life plate is a matter of free speech -- no one is compelled to buy and display the plate. As such, states aren't at liberty to curtail it, and Planned Parenthood is free to get a Choose Choice plate approved. The Supreme Court has declined to hear any of the cases and create a federal standard, so states are left to decide on their own and that has created a mix of approvals, rejections, and ongoing court hearings. Hawaii does have a Respect Choice license plate, but uptake has been so low that it's in danger of being rescinded. Tennessee, on the other hand, rejected the Choose Choice license plate, and that decision was upheld by the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals.

The question is really whether this is about the First Amendment and free speech, or a religious and political debate. Choose Life, Inc. and its supporters have undeniably polarizing stance.

"We are free to speak," said Elizabeth Rex, president of the New York-based Children First Foundation, "whether what we say is controversial or not." But that isn't true when it comes to license plates. When the Knights of Columbus wanted a specialty plate in Arkansas, they were turned down because the state was afraid the KKK would want one as well. A Christian school official in Vermont wanted the vanity plate "ROMANS5" and was turned down. When Colorado added another surcharge to the cost of its Breast Cancer Awareness specialty plate, the organization that got the plate approved had it pulled from circulation.

Clearly, license plates are not uncensored forums.

Nevertheless, Choose Life, Inc. is by no means the only religious-affiliated plate available. Florida has a Family Values plate that supports the Sheridan House Family Ministries, a thoroughly religious organization. Ohio has a One Nation Under God plate supported by a charity focused on keeping God in the Pledge of Allegiance. Pennsylvania has a Knights of Columbus plate -- those same knights that were rejected in Arkansas. And there are many, many more.

The result is that the debate remains muddled enough to give both sides, Choose Life, Inc. and Planned Parenthood, enough legal room to pose credible court cases until the Supreme Court decides to weigh in.

The best solution for both sides in the interim could be the one that's been around even longer than license plates: bumper stickers. They don't have the gravitas of license plates but you can make up for that with sheer volume, they can say anything you want, and they come in every color imaginable.

Good luck getting them off your car, though.

Sign the Petition:

Go to: to sign the petition.

Your email address will not be used for any purpose other than this petition. For the past eight years, the North Carolina General Assembly has failed to allow all members to vote on the Choose Life specialty license plate. Currently North Carolina residents proudly display over 130 specialty plates. We need your help to make the Choose Life license plate a reality. Your signature on the Choose Life petition will show our legislators that there is support for the Choose Life message in North Carolina, and that the bill should be brought to a vote as required for each new tag.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Homes for Hope Concert Coming Soon

Click above on Title to see concert promotional video.

Homes For Hope
Benefit Concert

Steele Creek Church of Charlotte
1929 W. Arrowood Road
Charlotte, NC 28217
August 14, 2009

Doors open: 6:30 p.m.
Program starts: 7:00 p.m.

For additional information contact Dawn at 704-376-8550

Friday, May 29, 2009

Truth Project Worldview Project

The Truth Project Coming to N.C.

Special Report - May 22, 2009
The North Carolina Family Policy Council is pleased to announce that it will partner with Focus on the Family to offer The Truth Project worldview series. The first Truth Project training will be in Charlotte on Saturday, June 6, from 8:30 AM to 12:45 PM at the First Baptist Church of Charlotte. This event will be facilitated by The Truth Project staff, with assistance from Matt Lytle, Ph.D., director of research for the North Carolina Family Policy Council. This training event is designed for those who would like to lead The Truth Project as a small group. In addition, the agenda focuses on training and vision components, supporting the worldview content.

The Truth Project Curriculum is a systematic and comprehensive biblical worldview study that looks at all of life. Conferences will equip participants to make a Christ-centered difference on culture by applying God's principles to daily life. Each conference session is designed to equip you to facilitate Focus on the Family's DVD-based Christian Worldview lessons.

If you can attend this important session, please register today with The Truth Project. Online registration is available.

Click here to see an overview of the lessons

Copyright © 2009. North Carolina Family Policy Council. All rights reserved.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Lois' Lodge Walkathon

The Lois' Lodge 2009 Make a Difference - Walk for Life was a huge success because of YOU!

The $20,000.00 that has been raised will sustain Lois' Lodge as we continue share the love of Jesus Christ by providing FREE shelter and support services to women and their unborn babies.

The threat of rain couldn't dampen the spirits of the 100 + walkers and volunteers who came to show their support. Thanks to these great participants...

Natalia Acosta, Charlotte Adams, Brent Anderson, Cristina Andreassi, Cindy Bonner, Rob & Sondra Bradford, Mary Bradley, Terry Brewer, Kimberly Brewer, Terry Brewer, Jake & Amy Broadbent, Jeff & Tracy Burgess, Taylor & Brandy Canton, Sophia Carpenter, April Carpenter, Naomi Carpenter, Kathy Caylor, Will & Jocelyn Challas, Jessica Chassen, Angel Cooke, Jeremy & April Drobnick, Dwight & Debbie Durell, Christina Elder, Beth Fagan, The Farley Family, Mary Ferrell, Shawn & Kelly Glanzer, Jacquie Golbus, Joanna Gray, Jackie Green , Jo Grey, Elizabeth Guptill, Meridith Hake, Kimberly Hall, Jeff & Mauree Harrell, Kate Heacox, Lois Heebner, Erin Henry, Toni Henry, Jessica Hibbard, Shirley Hunter, Mike & Jenny Hurt, Kathy Ingrish, Brandon & Erin Jackson, Jennifer Johnson, Barbara Johnson, Rick Khan, Charlie& Nancy King, Megan Kite, Michael & Deana Kocylowsky, Will Leach, Shannon Lehmer, Bradelyn Levi, Brittany Long, Erin MacDermut, Missy Mandel, Rhoda Marx, Elizabeth Marxs, Kaitlyn Mayes, Darelene Moore, James Moore, Brianna Moore, Mattthew Moore, Zachary Moore, Yvonne Moore, Laura Mullen, Karen Mundy, Teresa Ogburn, Destiny Planter, John & Renee Ratcliffe, Amy Reader, Jamie Robinson, MeOcia Rumph, Brian & Wendy Shank, Mary Shaw, Cathy Shaw, Brian Shaw, Wade Shields, Susan Shields, Nicola Sink, Paul & Marilyn Smith, Mary Stager, Julie Starcher, Kara Talent, Karen Thompson, Anne Thompson, Karen Thompson, Marty Tomberlin, Katherine Vermillian, Wende Whitus, Joyce Wi llis, Chad & Heather Wilson, Maggie Womack, Sandy Zellers

Highest Individual Fundraiser: Heather Wilson
Person who recurited the most walkers: Mauree Harrell/Sondra Bradford
Highest Team Fundraisers: Women of Anchor
Way to go! Because of your efforts this was the best Walk-a-Thon Ever!

The walk is over... but the work continues!
Women and babies continue to need Christ-centered love, shelter & support services. Please consider how you can continue to partner with us. Visit our website at for more information.

Save The Date!

The 2010 Make a Difference - Walk for Life is tentativley scheduled for Saturday, March 27, 2010. We hope that you will make plans to join us!

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Choose Life NC License Plate

For the past eight years NC Legislature has not allowed a Choose Life specialty license plate to be brought to the floor for a vote. NC already has over 130 specialty plates in use. We need your help to make the Choose Life license plate a reality in our state. Your signature on the Choose Life North Carolina petition would show our legislators that there is support for the Choose Life plate in NC and that it should be allowed to be brought to a vote.

Funds from the sale of each license plate will go to support the work of pregnancy care centers in NC. Currently there are 80 pregnancy care ministries in NC that last year alone served over 46,000 women. These centers offer a variety of services from pregnancy tests to parenting classes, baby supplies to mentoring pregnant teens, to ultrasounds and STD testing by medical personnel. Each plate sold will provide $15.00 toward funding the free services these centers offer. These funds will be distributed by Carolina Pregnancy Care Fellowship, Inc., a network of the pregnancy care ministries in NC. Visit to learn more about this network.

There are now 24 states with Choose Life license plates. NC is the only state in the southeast that prohibits the sale of the Choose Life license plate.

Please sign the Choose Life NC petition to show NC Legislators your support of the NC Choose Life license plate. Go to: to sign the petition. Your email address will not be used for any purpose other than this petition.

To keep updated on this important bill go to:

Thank you for your support.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

White House confirms 2 million RED ENVELOPES

White House confirms it got 2 million red envelopes
President's mail worker claims letter campaign 1 of largest in 35 years

Posted: April 06, 2009
8:21 pm Eastern

By Chelsea Schilling
© 2009 WorldNetDaily

The White House mail office has confirmed it received a "deluge" of as many as 2.25 million red envelopes symbolizing the empty promise of lives snuffed out in abortion in a massive campaign that was larger than most White House mailing movements in the last 35 years.

White House mail worker "Steve" has handled letters for 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. for more than three decades. Every single package and letter destined for the White House goes through his office.

Asked if he has seen a flood of red envelopes bound for the White House, Steve chuckled.

"Uh, yes," he said emphatically. "Believe me, they made it here."

Steve said while Obama has been occupied in Europe, his administration has noticed millions of red envelopes on behalf of aborted children.

"Quite frankly, there was definitely a deluge of mail coming through," he laughed. "I had to handle them all."

"I've been here 35 years, so I've seen presidents come and go," Steve told WND. "This campaign ranks up there with the big ones."

The Red Envelope Project is an idea sparked in the mind and prayers of a Massachusetts man, Christ Otto, who envisioned in January thousands of red envelopes sent to the White House, a visual expression of moral outrage over the president's position on abortion.

On the backs of the envelopes, senders wrote a message Otto composed: "This envelope represents one child who died in abortion. It is empty because that life was unable to offer anything to the world. Responsibility begins with conception."

The original project began small, but when Otto sent out an email to friends asking them to join him in the envelope effort, the symbolic gesture spread through the Internet like wildfire – eventually resulting in delivery of as many as 2.25 million red envelopes.

"Last Tuesday 2.25 million were sent all together," Otto told WND. "There were 1 million sent before that date. I keep getting e-mails, and I know that people are still sending them. This past weekend, there were at least 10,000 more sent just from churches announcing it on Sunday."

The Catholic News Agency reports that a consortium of 11 different student groups at the University of Notre Dame, in protest of the university's invitation of Barack Obama to speak at graduation, plan to hand deliver a surge of the red envelopes to the pro-abortion president when he arrives to give the commencement address in May.

Otto said he expected no response from the White House.

"On Thursday their goal is to remove the conscience clause on physicians," he said. "So, they don't want any press."

However, WND was successful in confirming that the red envelopes did arrive.

Asked if he hopes President Obama will be influenced by the campaign Otto said, "I really hope that he is seeing them. I know that somebody in Washington is seeing them, for whatever that's worth. I do hope that it changes the president's heart."

He continued, "I also know that there are many people in our government – in both political parties – who believe that life and freedom are controlled by the state. They want to control who lives and who dies. So, it's not just the president, but there are lots of people in Washington who need to know that this was an important thing and that they are out of step with the people."

The Red Envelope Project has been provided with letters to cease and desist because it allegedly infringes upon trademark and copyright of another organization, but Otto said the campaign will comply with copyright issues and continue its work once the legal matters have been resolved. Details of the new campaign have not been released.

Nonetheless, Otto said the Red Envelope campaign was a resounding success.

"It has made a difference, regardless of what happened in Washington," he said. "Just the numbers of children that have been involved are huge. It's gotten a lot of people talking about the value of life. To me, that's priceless."

Friday, March 6, 2009

Prayer Request- Amanda

Please pray for Amanda. She is a young mom who has participated in our programs at Lois' Lodge. Since leaving our program Amanda has married, had a second child and she and her husband (the father of both of her children) have been residing in Jackson Park. They have been making tremendous strides in spiritual and personal growth. They have attended church regularly and both profess to be Christians. Both have been working and they have been very proud that they have saved a significant amount of money. Jamel, who is Amanda's husband was going back to school at Central Piedmont to get his high school diploma and had been dialoging with the Army. He planned to enter the service after he graduated. Last Saturday night Jamel was walking home from the bus stop after work and was killed by a hit and run driver. Needless to say Amanda and everyone that has been close to this young family is traumatized. Please pray that all involved will sense God's presence and experience his peace. Pray that Amanda will continue to make progress in creating a good life for her family.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Doctor's Protections on Abortions Being Removed

President Obama Starts Process of Removing Doctors' Protections on Abortions
Washington, DC ( --

The White House quietly announced on Friday that President Barack Obama is starting the process of overturning protections President Bush put in place to make sure medical staff and centers are not forced to do abortions. The move is the latest that will add to Obama's growing pro-abortion record. Existing federal laws already make it so doctors and hospitals are not required to perform abortions. Because those laws aren't always followed, the Bush administration added additional protections.Bush officials noted a pattern of grant recipients being unaware of or flouting existing laws protecting medical professionals’ rights of conscience. So, HHS enacted the new regulations to require grantees to certify compliance with them in order to receive funds. In August, 2008 the Department of Health and Human Services proposed regulations to strengthen those existing laws. The regulations were finalized on December 18, 2008 and went into effect January 20, 2009. Abortion advocates complained about the new regulations and made false claims that they would somehow deny women access to birth control even though the regulations do not limit or restrict any legal practice or product. Three pro-abortion groups and pro-abortion attorneys general from seven states filed a lawsuit to overturn the rules and today's news makes it clear the Obama administration is preparing its own move to rescind them. Obama officials told the Chicago Tribune that they are opening up a 30-day public comment period, after which they will roll back the protections for medical personnel and facilities.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

6th Annual Lois' Lodge Walkathon

Walkathon- Don't forget. Hope to see you there.
Make a Difference ~Walk for Life!

Walk-A-Thon -Saturday, March 28th from 9 to 11am
Join us at Freedom Park for this family friendly event.
Live Music - Children’s activities
FREE Charlotte Eagles Soccer Clinic for children of registered walkers
Register to participate today!

Pro-life Petition

CitizenLink 2/17

Take Action: Focus Action Launches Pro-Life Petition

by Jennifer Mesko, editor

Say 'No!' to taxpayer funding of the abortion industry.

Focus on the Family Action has launched a petition drive calling on Congress and President Barack Obama to prevent taxpayer money from funding the abortion industry.

By signing on, pro-life Americans can oppose the latest phase in the radical, pro-abortion agenda.

"We know there are millions of Americans who are appalled that their tax dollars could soon be used to fund abortions," said Sonja Swiatkiewicz, director of issues response at Focus Action.

"For years, special annual funding provisions — called pro-life riders — have prevented U.S. tax dollars from being used to fund abortions and abortion providers, both in the States and abroad. But that could all change."

The Democrat-controlled Congress is expected to strip these riders out of this year's spending bills. The Focus Action petition allows citizens to take a stand in support of these pro-life provisions, as well as oppose the Freedom of Choice Act (FOCA).

Obama has expressed his support for FOCA, which would eliminate virtually every federal, state and local measure that limits or restricts abortion.

The petition states, in part: "As a pro-life American, I oppose any and all legislative and executive efforts that require or allow my taxpayer dollars to be used to fund abortions or providers of abortion services."

Please sign the Focus Action petition today at

Please ask your U.S. representative to support the pro-life riders. You can find contact information through our Action Center at

Monday, February 23, 2009

Ministry update by Dawn

Lois’ Lodge Ministry Update, February 18, 2009

Join Us!
Please Join Us For A Time of Prayer ~ Beginning in March, Each Friday at 9am.
Location: Lois' Lodge Office 1316 Hemlock Street. Everyone is welcome!

Upcoming Event!
Annual Walk-A-Thon - Saturday, March 28th at Freedom Park. Live music, children’s activities and a mini soccer-clinic by the Charlotte Eagles will make this event fun for everyone. A flyer is included in this report and more information is available at our website. YOUR PARTICIPATION is important to the success of this event!
For more information, or to register to participate visit

Ministry Needs!
We are currently in need of the following household cleaning items: furniture polish, laundry detergent, bleach, dish detergent, automatic dishwasher detergent, all purpose cleaner, stainless steel polish.
We are in need of a new set of non-stick pots & pans, reusable water bottles

Volunteer Needs!
Administrative - This individual would commit to do light data entry and thank you cards. Commitment is 1 -2 hours weekly.

Cleaning- Individuals or small groups are welcome. These volunteers would work on a rotating schedule to clean the Mom Shoppe or Administrative Office.
Commitment varies according to availability; once or twice monthly

Secret Pals- We are looking for groups or individuals to serve as secret pals. These volunteers will bless our clients and our staff with a note or card of encouragement or a small, inexpensive gift. This commitment varies from 1, 3 or 6 months.

Fathers - We need godly men who will step up and help us teach classes on fatherhood and marriage.

Maintenance - we have many maintenance needs. The skill level for these projects range and include painting, repairs in bathrooms, gutter cleaning and more.

We are grateful to have your friendship! Thanks for your prayers and support.
Please contact us if you can help with any of these needs, or have any questions.
Lois’ Lodge (704) 376-8550 or

Distribution Ideas for the Red Envelopes

The following are ideas from Life Issues Institute ( for how to expand the number of people mailing red envelopes to President Obama:

Contact local churches and ask them to insert red envelopes into their bulletins. It's an excellent opportunity for the pastor to speak on the issue of abortion, remember the unborn and their mothers in prayer, and have the congregation participate in a standing up for life.

Pro-life organizations can insert a red envelope into newsletters and other mailings to their membership.

Pass the red envelope out at youth events. This is an easy way to get them involved interacting with elected officials.

Envelopes can be passed out in schools- particularly private and/or religious schools. This can include high school or college. Teachers, professors and parents of students can also participate.

Home schoolers are great networks to work with. Most encourage civic involvement on critical issues of the day.

Various social and organizational gatherings are a good place to circulate red envelopes and explain the project.

Contact if you have additional ideas to assist with this project.

Order Your Red Envelopes

If you go to this website you can order pre-printed red envelopes for the red letter campaign (see below)

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Stop the Black Genocide by Abortion 2/18

National Pro-Life Group Tells Obama before Canadian Visit: Stop the Black Genocide by Abortion

OTTAWA, ON, February 18, 2009 ( - President Barack Obama is preparing to travel to Canada tomorrow, for his first visit with the leader of a foreign country.

In the lead-up to his visit, Campaign Life Coalition (CLC), the political arm of Canada's pro-life movement, has called on US President Barack Obama not to preside over the greatest slaughter of African Americans in history via abortion. CLC President Jim Hughes noted that Obama, "the first black President" has a unique opportunity to "help save the lives of 4000 African American babies who die by abortion every day in the United States."

"Every day Mr. President, people with your ethnic background die in astounding numbers," said Mr. Hughes. "Abortion is the number one killer of African Americans in the U.S."

Citing abortion statistics, Hughes said: "African Americans make up about 13% of the U.S. population but about 37% of all babies killed by abortion are black. In the last 36 years over 17 million African American babies have died by abortion alone." He noted that abortion businesses target black communities.

According to Hughes, President Obama's next step is to increase abortion inside the U.S. by passing the Freedom of Choice Act (FOCA), which will require taxpayers to pay for abortions. If passed even piece meal, provisions of this Act will strike down any current state laws that regulate abortion.

Prior to his election, Obama told Americans he wanted abortion to be rare. However, immediately after his inauguration, he signed an executive order to revoke the Mexico City Policy and finance the promotion and facilitation of abortion in developing nations. A Gallup Poll published on February 2, 2009 found that 58 % of Americans disapprove of using their tax dollars to pay for abortion in third world countries.

"Thus," said Mr. Hughes, "U.S. financed abortion is targeting more blacks than ever before." The CLC President concluded, "By your election you have at least symbolically brought an end to racism against blacks in the United States. We pray that you will have a change of heart and end the black genocide by abortion ravaging your country and the developing world."

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Red Envelope Effort, Letters Opposing Abortion 2/23

Red Envelope Effort Takes Off, Letters Opposing Abortion Head to Obama

Washington, DC ( -- It started with one unknown person who had a prayer and desire to affect the abortion debate and it has caught on to become an Internet phenomenon. The Red Envelope Project could result in millions of envelopes heading to the White House over the next month to protest President Barack Obama's pro-abortion policies. "This afternoon I was praying about a number of things, and my mind began to wander. I was deeply distressed at the symbolic actions that President Obama took as he began his presidency," the popular email says. "This man and his party lead our country; but they do not represent me or the 54% of Americans who believe that abortion is wrong and should no longer be legal." How could that pro-life majority respond? The answer to the prayer for a way resulted in the red envelope campaign. Based on the red tape students are using to cover their mouths in silent abortion protest, the pro-life advocate developed the idea to send an empty red envelope to the White House to protest abortion.

ACTION: Purchase your red envelopes and send them to President Obama at The White House, 1600 Pennsylvania Ave, Washington , D.C. 20500.

Friday, February 6, 2009

NC Budget May Eliminate State Abortion Fund

Weigh in on this with Governor Purdue's office. Go to:
Or call her office at 919-733-4240

Budget May Eliminate State Abortion Fund

Special Report - February 3, 2009
Proposed budget cuts submitted to Governor Bev Perdue by agency officials include a complete elimination of the State Abortion Fund. As North Carolina lawmakers face a potential budget shortfall of $2 billion, the Governor directed agencies to find ways to cut seven percent of their budgets. The Division of Social Services proposed nearly $17 million in cuts, including the entire $50,000 State Abortion Fund.

North Carolina’s State Abortion Fund was created in 1978. Through the 1980s and 1990s, various limitations were imposed on who is eligible to receive the funds and the size of the fund. As of 1995, the Fund was cut from $1.2 million down to its current $50,000. Women must be state residents who do not qualify for Medicaid, but do qualify as low income (defined as qualifying for welfare or making less than $14,000 for a two-person household in 2008). Written certification is required from a doctor stating that the abortion is medically necessary because of rape, incest, a deformed fetus, mental retardation of the mother, or serious risk to the mother. Women are not eligible after the child’s 112th day of gestation, and women are only allowed one abortion funded by the State Abortion Fund. In 1994, the State Abortion Fund paid for 4,587 abortions, but the restrictions have reduced the number of state-funded abortions to only one since 1995. Since the restrictions were set in place, the State has continued to allocate $50,000 to the Fund each year. Any unused money from the State Abortion Fund reverts to the General Fund at the end of the fiscal year.

Barbara Holt, executive director of North Carolina Right to Life, notes that while eliminating the State Abortion Fund is a positive step, the state budget continues to fund abortions through the state employee health plan and a children’s health insurance plan.

According to the Raleigh News & Observer, NARAL Pro-Choice North Carolina plans to fight the proposed elimination of the fund. Executive director, Sean Kosofsky wants the money to remain in the budget, even if it is not used, as a symbol “that this is a state that cares about women’s reproductive health.” He says that eliminating the fund altogether would make NARAL’s ultimate goal of peeling back restrictions on use of the Fund much more difficult.

Matt Lytle, director of research for the North Carolina Family Policy Council, commented, “Even though this fund has paid for only one abortion since 1995, the fact that it remained in existence meant that the state was appropriating taxpayer dollars every year for abortions, an action that goes against the conviction of many in this state.”

Copyright © 2009. North Carolina Family Policy Council. All rights reserved.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Lois' Lodge Walkathon

The Lois' Lodge Walkathon is March 28th. And boy do we need you to get involved! Just recd. notice that state funding has run out for the fiscal year. Although this is a relatively small portion of our budget it can still have an impact on our ability to offer services. Please get involved by participating as a walker. Go to to sign up. Or.... if you can't be walker please consider sponsoring me as a walker. You can sponsor me directly by going to: debbie durrell's Fundraising Page
If you click on the title of this post it will take you right to my fundraising page.

Thank you for your ongoing support and prayers. Email me if you have questions. Debbie

Monday, February 2, 2009

Traits Associated with Abstinence and Academic Achievement

The National Longitudinal Survey of Adolescent Health identified eight personality and behavioral traits that were associated with both abstinence and academic achievement:

• Future orientation, with a focus on long-term goals.
• Willingness to postpone current pleasures for larger future rewards.
• Perseverance, as in the ability to stick to a task or commitment.
• A belief that current behavior can positively affect the future.
• Impulse control, including ability to control emotions and desires.
• Resistance to peer influence.
• Respect for parental and social values.
• Sense of self-worth and personal dignity.

Abstinence also is associated with better physical and mental health across socioeconomic groups, according to a summary of the study in U.S. News & World Report. Kids who make abstinence decisions do better in school, too. Abstinent teens are far more likely to attend and graduate from college than those who are sexually active.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Note from Shirley, Housemom at Lois' Lodge

This is an update from one of our housemoms. She says that this is an example of the reason she works at Lois' Lodge. Names are changed to protect confidentiality.

Hi ladies,

Joanne called yesterday. She had concerns about the salvation of a family member. She felt that this family member got baptized without knowing fully what it meant. In the course of the conversation Joanne stated her fears regarding the same issue. When she came out of jail she was encouraged to get baptized without a full understanding of it and without a change. Joanne started having concerns after going through Discipleship classes during her stay at Lois' Lodge. She said she realized that her salvation may not be secure. She has decided to give her life to Jesus. She will be baptized this Saturday. Please be in prayer during that time for Joanne's mom who will be bringing her to the church. Pray that she will be impacted by this. Pray for her salvation.

Love, Shirley

Proverbs 21:30
There is no wisdom, no insight, no plan that can succeed against the Lord.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Lois' Lodge Prayer Concerns and Needs

2009 is off to a busy start. We currently have 5 women in our Maternity Home program, the oldest of which is 19. We also have many women who are being served through our Mom Shoppe program. Please be in prayer for our clients. These gals are so young and their lives have changed forever because of an unplanned pregnancy. We are so grateful to be able to provide these hurting women with not only shelter and support services, but also the opportunity to experience the love of Christ. Current volunteer needs: Male volunteers to provide leadership for classes for Fathers. This includes couples mentoring, marriage & fatherhood classes, job skills classes and more. Early Childhood Parenting Instructor & Lamaze Instructor needed. Bible Study leader for Mom Shoppe. Ministry Needs: Crib (good condition with all parts and hardware), Preemie baby clothing (new or like new), Pastel colored copy paper, regular copy paper, stamps. And of course prayer. Contact Dawn at 704-376-8550 if you are able to help us to address these needs.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

They Will Know That we are Christians by our Love

I am going out on a limb today and sharing something that I believe the Lord has personally laid on my heart instead of news from another source. As you can tell by previous blogs posted here, Lois' Lodge is a "prolife" ministry. We believe in the sanctity of life and are opposed to the option of abortion. Today I am in Ohio, visiting with my sister. As a result I had the opportunity to visit a great church, Cuyahoga Valley Church. The pastor is preaching a series called One Month of Love.

Pastor Duncan pointed out that Christians are often known by what we are against- abortion, homosexuality, sex outside of marriage..... On the other hand, he challenged us to consider whether we are identified with those positive attributes that should be core to what we are called to be as Christians.

In John 13:34 & 35 Jesus says: this is "a new command! I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another".(NIV) Jesus tells us that our Christlike love will show that we are his disciples. What do people see when they see us? Do they only see a group of people that are very vocal about what they oppose? Or do they see people representing the positive characteristic which have come from as result of inviting Christ into our lives to be our personal Lord and Savior?

It is good to speak out in support of God's truths. But..... this must be tempered with the love that we are commanded to extend towards others. Recently I read the book: unChristian: What a New Generation Really Thinks about Christianity... and Why It Matters (Hardcover)by David Kinnaman & Gabe Lyons. Kinnaman is the president of the Barna Institute. He was inspired to write this book when Lyons (of the Fermi Project) commissioned him to do extensive research on what young Americans think about Christianity. Results of this study were very concerning. Surveyed Mosaics and Busters (the generations that include late teens to early 30-somethings) believe Christians are "judgmental, antihomosexual, hypocritical, too political and sheltered". Kinnaman suggests ways in which churches' activities in the past may actually have been "unchristian". He advocates for a return to a more biblical Christianity, "a faith that not only focuses on holiness but also loves, accepts and works to understand the world around it" (Publishers Weekly).

I want nonchristians to be drawn to the faith because they have been able to experience the love of Christ through me. This is also my desire for the ministry of Lois' Lodge. My life application Bible reminds me that love is more that a feeling. It is an attitude that reveals itself in action. How can we show others that we love as Jesus as loved us? By helping when we can think of a million other things to do (this is what our Lois' Lodge volunteers do), by giving when it is challenging to do so (like our faithful Lois' Lodge donors), and by devoting energy to the welfare of others instead of just our own (I see this everyday through the Lois' Lodge board, staff, volunteers and donors). This kind of loving is a challenge. This is why people will notice when we do this. It requires that we be empowered by a supernatural source.

It is my prayer that as Christians, people will see the positive way that our life has been influenced through our relationship with Christ. Yes, lets stand up for God's truths, but lets also be sure to let the love of Christ shine through us so that others will be drawn to Him.


Saturday, January 17, 2009

One-Child Population Control Policy 1/15

China Raises Fines for Rich Who Avoid One-Child Population Control Policy

Beijing, China ( -- Chinese officials have followed through on their earlier promise to raise the fines for couples who violate the one-child population control policy. Poorer residents who are subject to human rights abuses have long complained that rich Chinese couples can pay fines and avoid governmental harassment. Now, the Chinese government has raised those fines to discourage more families from having a second child, which violates the one-child rule that has earned the Asian nation condemnation from around the world. Deng Xingzhou, director of Beijing’s family planning commission, said the new rules were aimed at correcting that wealth disparity. Currently, couples must pay a fine that amounts to three to eight times their annual salary and that amount will increase although the government didn't appear to release official figures. The increased fines also come as the nation's capital, Beijing, has experienced a rise in its population due to the influx of migrant workers from the coast.

Friday, January 16, 2009

The Annual Rally for Life

Host: Charlotte Right to Life and the Pro-Life Community
Location: Nash Square
Corner of Hargett and McDowell Street
Raleigh, NC US

When: Saturday, January 17, 1:00PM
Phone: 704.293.7741

***Please Forward***

Join us as we come together to build of culture of Life in North Carolina!

Transportation is available leaving from Calvary Baptist Church, 2200 Ashley Road in Charlotte at 9:00 a.m.

Refreshments are available following the March and we break in route to and from the Rally.

Be Prepared for Sanctity of Human Life Day, Sunday, Jan 18

Be Prepared for Sanctity of Human Life Day, Sunday, January 18!

This Sunday, January 18, thousands of pro-life advocates in North Carolina will join millions from across the nation in recognition of “Sanctity of Human Life Day.” This day, which has been set aside for churches to honor the intrinsic value of human life, officially kicks of this year’s “Sanctity of Human Life Week,” which runs January 18-25. The events coincide with the January 22 anniversary of the United States Supreme Court’s twin decisions in Roe v. Wade and Doe v. Bolton that legalized abortion on demand in our country.

In preparation for “Sanctity of Human Life Week,” the North Carolina Family Policy Council has prepared a downloadable bulletin insert, in color ( and black and white (, for churches to help motivate their congregations to take action the issue of abortion. The Council has also prepared a video that can be shown at churches. The bulletin inserts and video are free to use. To access the video go to

For more information, including suggested sermon topics and other free Sanctity of Human Life Day resources, visit

Planned Parenthood Sues to Reverse Bush Abortion Protections

Planned Parenthood Sue to Reverse Bush Abortion Protections for Docs

Washington, DC ( --

The attorneys general of seven states and leading pro-abortion groups have filed a lawsuit against the new pro-life protections the Bush administration recently put in place. The "Provider Conscience Rule" provides more enforcement for laws protecting medical centers and professionals who don't want to do abortions. The new rule, which requires medical facilities to affirm in writing that they won't force staff to participate in abortions and potentially denies federal funding for centers or governments that do, is slated to take effect January 20. The protections merely provide additional enforcement for existing laws, some of which have been on the books for decades, that allow medical professionals to avoid involvement in abortions. Led by Attorney General Richard Blumenthal of Connecticut, six states filed suit today against the new rule claiming that it allows medical centers and staff to deny women birth control, including the morning after pill. Blumenthal says he sued because he believes the new rules will override a state law that forces all hospitals and medical centers to provide the morning after pill to victims of sexual abuse. State officials in California, Illinois, Massachusetts, New Jersey, Oregon, and Rhode Island also joined in the suit.

Christian Girls Rescued from Sex Slavery

Baptist Press 1/15

Christian girls rescued
from sex slavery
By Mark Kelly

KARACHI, Pakistan (BP)--Two Christian girls in Pakistan have been rescued after more than a month of captivity as sex slaves to Muslim lawyers in Karachi.

According to International Christian Concern, a human rights organization focused on Christians who are persecuted for their faith, Parvisha Alam, 18, and her 14-year-old sister Sanam of Gujranwala, Pakistan, were abducted Nov. 12 by a neighbor, Muhammad Irfan, who offered them training in cosmetology and jobs in his beauty salon.

When Irfan arrived to take the girls to his shop, he and an accomplice, Muhammed Mehboob, reportedly gave the girls drinks that were drugged. When the sisters awakened, they were locked in a hotel room nearly 500 miles away from home. According to ICC, the two men raped the girls at gunpoint, then took them to Karachi where, after several more days of sexual assault, the girls were forced to convert to Islam.

Promised that if they cooperated they would be released soon, the two girls were taken to meet with two lawyers, identified by ICC as Kokab Sahab-Ul-Din and Nayer Zia-Ul-Din. Irfan reportedly told the lawyers both girls had embraced Islam and wished to enter a government women's shelter. The girls were told the lawyers would present them in court the next day and they would be free to go.

The lawyers then allegedly took the girls to an apartment for the night and gave them a room to sleep in. After the girls had fallen asleep, the lawyers returned and dragged Parvisha Alam into another room and sexually assaulted her, according to the ICC report. Her sister ran to help her, then saw a cell phone lying on a table, which she used to call police. The police arrested Sahab-Ul-Din, and Parvisha was taken immediately to a hospital.

The girls' father, Sharif Alam, who is a pastor, traveled to Karachi to bring his daughters home then contacted CLAAS, a Christian legal group for help. When the CLAAS team visited the family Dec. 31, a crowd of about 35 people gathered outside the house, demanding the "converted" girls be turned over to local Muslim authorities, according to ICC. The crowd began throwing bricks and stones at the house and when Alam went out to talk with them a gun was fired. The mob beat Alam's son Sheraz and was trying to break into the house when police arrived. Three people were arrested for the attack.

Since that incident, Alam's son-in-law, Stian Akram Khokhar, has disappeared, according to the family.

"Christians in Pakistan are often targeted not only for their faith but because they live in poverty and have little means to defend themselves," an ICC spokesman said in a written statement.

The spokesman also requested prayer for the Alams.

"Please pray for Parvisha and Sanam and their family," the spokesman said. "Pray that God would strengthen their faith and heal their wounds. Pray that those responsible for these heinous crimes would be caught and punished appropriately."

About 500,000 young women worldwide are sold into sex slavery each year -- 150,000 of them in southern Asia, according to U.S. State Department figures reported by The New York Times.

ICC suggests concerned parties contact Pakistani embassies and request that the government of Pakistan work harder to protect the rights of religious minorities. A call placed by Baptist Press to Pakistan's embassy in Washington, D.C., was not returned by publication deadline Jan. 15.

National Sanctity of Human Life Day, 2009

National Sanctity of Human Life Day, 2009
A Proclamation by the President of the United States of America

White House News
En EspaƱol

All human life is a gift from our Creator that is sacred, unique, and worthy of protection. On National Sanctity of Human Life Day, our country recognizes that each person, including every person waiting to be born, has a special place and purpose in this world. We also underscore our dedication to heeding this message of conscience by speaking up for the weak and voiceless among us.

The most basic duty of government is to protect the life of the innocent. My Administration has been committed to building a culture of life by vigorously promoting adoption and parental notification laws, opposing Federal funding for abortions overseas, encouraging teen abstinence, and funding crisis pregnancy programs. In 2002, I was honored to sign into law the Born-Alive Infants Protection Act, which extends legal protection to children who survive an abortion attempt. I signed legislation in 2003 to ban the cruel practice of partial-birth abortion, and that law represents our commitment to building a culture of life in America. Also, I was proud to sign the Unborn Victims of Violence Act of 2004, which allows authorities to charge a person who causes death or injury to a child in the womb with a separate offense in addition to any charges relating to the mother.

America is a caring Nation, and our values should guide us as we harness the gifts of science. In our zeal for new treatments and cures, we must never abandon our fundamental morals. We can achieve the great breakthroughs we all seek with reverence for the gift of life.

The sanctity of life is written in the hearts of all men and women. On this day and throughout the year, we aspire to build a society in which every child is welcome in life and protected in law. We also encourage more of our fellow Americans to join our just and noble cause. History tells us that with a cause rooted in our deepest principles and appealing to the best instincts of our citizens, we will prevail.

NOW, THEREFORE, I, GEORGE W. BUSH, President of the United States of America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim January 18, 2009, as National Sanctity of Human Life Day. I call upon all Americans to recognize this day with appropriate ceremonies and to underscore our commitment to respecting and protecting the life and dignity of every human being.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this fifteenth day of January, in the year of our Lord two thousand nine, and of the Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-third.