Friday, March 5, 2010

A Touch from God for Karen

Cool stuff happens everyday in the life of our Lois' Lodge moms. Thought you would like to hear about it.

Karen was blessed today by a student at her school she did not know and had not spoken with before. Karen had been feeling down, unappreciated, and tired of going out of her way to do things and then get put down, and had decided to stop. This girl at school approached Karen to let her know that she knew that Karen was going through a lot and she noticed. She gave her a card with encouraging words on it and the verse… Jeremiah-29:11. She also gave her gift cards worth $100.00.. Karen, said she knew it was from God. She had prayed and told him how discouraged she was. Debbie

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Focus on the Family Ad Pulled


NCAA Pulls the Plug on Focus Ad After Protest

Organization caters to homosexual activists over benign ad.

The NCAA took a Focus on the Family ad off of its Web site after homosexual activists complained.

The print ad shows a father holding his young son. It's titled:

Celebrate Family. Celebrate Life.

And the picture is captioned:

All I want for my son is for him to grow up knowing how to do the right thing.

The activists claimed Focus was too controversial for being pro-life, and in favor of one-man, one-woman marriage. They said that runs counter to the NCAA's policies.

Gary Schneeberger, vice president of ministry communications at Focus on the Family, said he was "befuddled" by the NCAA's decision.

"Have we really become a society where it's considered distasteful and controversial for a dad to hope the best for his son?" he said. "If so, we have a lot of soul-searching to do as a nation."

Steve Maegdlin, CEO of the CSK Strategic Marketing Group which produced the print ad, said there's no reason for it to be pulled.

"There's no hidden message or hidden agenda in here," he said.

Calls to the NCAA were not returned.

The ad was part of a CBS Super Bowl package. The network ran the much-talked about TV commercial by Focus on the Family featuring Heisman Trophy winner Tim Tebow and his mother.

"We said during the weeks of controversy before our Super Bowl commercial with the Tebows aired that – despite the charges of critics who hadn't even seen it – the spot was not political or divisive or hateful," Schneeberger added. "And, it wasn't. The print ad now being protested is even more non-threatening – if that's possible. It simply says, 'Focus on the Family is here to help you raise your kids, thrive in your marriages and tackle the challenge life throws your way.'"

Call the NCAA to express your disappointment over the ad's removal.

NCAA Comment Line 317-917-6762.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Christ Covenant

Display table at Christ Covenant Church in Matthews, NC for their "Missions...The Heart of God" Missions Conference, Feb 21 - 28, 2010. Thank you Kim Sowder for developing this great display representing Lois' Lodge. Yuck! Who is on that TV????

Tea Party at Lois' Lodge

Thank you so much To Cakes by Victoria for the lovely treats for the "Lois Lodge volunteer tea " today...we love you Victoria. And for organizing the event we send thanks to Kim Sowder American Ballroom Receptions and Events

Letter from Paul and Marilyn Smith

Dear Friends and Associates:

Up front, let me be honest with you: I’m struggling with what and how to communicate to you about a financial need for a wonderful organization. Not because of any reservations about the agency. But, because I so desire to be the voice for those who cannot speak and give you good, even compelling, reasons to participate in something so wonderful and so important to the most vulnerable among us: unborn and new born babies and their young mothers. So, I’m just going to pray that God will give me the right words to say and will touch your heart if you are one of those needed to make this a success. Here goes…

Many of you will know that Marilyn and I once served as houseparents at Lois Lodge, a Christian agency that helps women facing a crisis pregnancy. To help with their fund-raising, once a year they have a "WalkaThon". Marilyn and I are seeking people who will sponsor us as we participate in the walk on Saturday, March 27th.

Funds you give to sponsor us will not only help with their operating expenses but also help them toward the purchase of a permanent location for their services, as in less than five months they will lose their current premises unless able to purchase it. I’m genuinely excited about this opportunity for them to solidify their program by actually owning their current premises. You can read more about this opportunity by going to This is one reason we have decided to set a goal of raising $10,000 in sponsorships this year.

Our fundraising target is larger than normal, but with the challenge of retaining their current facilities, every dollar is needed. This is about caring for those most vulnerable in our society- the unborn and newborn, as well as mothers in a crisis situation, not just this year but in the years to come. With your help, we CAN reach this.

Why should you seriously consider being a financial partner with Lois Lodge? Let me mention three reasons. First, because it’s a well-run agency, led by a capable and gifted director. I can personally affirm that she is competent, caring and a person of integrity. You can be confident your dollars will be conscientiously and wisely used. They’re not a high profile agency with the money to pay for “high-powered” fundraisers, but they are one of those smaller agencies that our community and region so vitally needs.

Secondly, we’re talking about the care and nurturing of unborn children and their (often) very young mothers experiencing a crisis pregnancy. Picture if this young woman were your daughter or sister or grandchild- wouldn’t you want her to be in a non-institutionalized, family-oriented environment among loving people who want to help them with their needs, be it physically, emotionally, socially, spiritually? Wouldn't you want them to be provided with balanced wisdom and insight regarding parenting their child or placing the child for adoption for someone unable to have children? I would! That alone is a good reason to invest in this ministry. As well, we know that God cares deeply about children. When Jesus’ disciples tried to hinder children from seeing him, Jesus “… was indignant and said to them, “Let the children come to me; do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of God.” Mark 10:14 (ESV). A gift to Lois Lodge is an investment in the life of a child.

And, while I could mention many other reasons, I’ll close with this one: There is a genuine and very real need to be addressed. The property they currently use is going to be sold. They have until July to find about $1.1 million dollars to purchase, try to find an alternative location (no easy task given the nature of this work) or close their services. I don’t want this to happenr. So, that’s why I can enthusiastically appeal to you to consider sponsoring us and helping us to raise the $10,000 that would help toward averting the crisis they are facing. Or, perhaps I should better say, the opportunity God has given them to be established with their own premises to provide a foundation for ministry and service for many years to come.

You can invest either by mail or by an online donation (using your debit or credit card). We have our own personalized web page so that you can easily contribute to this wonderful organization online. Go to and it has all the options you’ll need to make an online contribution to Lois Lodge. As well, you’ll get to see a great photo of Marilyn and our granddaughter, Maya on the page too! Oh yes, I’m in the photo too, but any photo of me can rarely be described as “great”! :-) Or, if you prefer to give by mail, please refer to the attached file- it has all the information you need for donating in that manner.

Many thanks for your consideration and support -- and don't forget to forward this to anyone you think might want to donate too! It's probably going to take a small "village" of people to reach our goal (Although I don't rule out God being able to simply impress on one heart to give the full amount needed. He's not limited by my plans... thankfully!)

Thanks for your consideration and, if you do give, please do so by no later than Friday, March 26th.

God bless,

Paul (& Marilyn) P.S. I’ll close with this reminder as you consider an investment in the work of Lois Lodge: I want each of you to take plenty of time to think it over, and make up your own mind what you will give. That will protect you against sob stories and arm-twisting. God loves it when the giver delights in the giving. God can pour on the blessings in astonishing ways so that you're ready for anything and everything, more than just ready to do what needs to be done.” 2 Corinthians 9:7-8 (The Message Bible). So, just do what God wants you to do. And, if He does prompt you to give, do so with the confidence that He will bless you “in astonishing ways”.

Optional Reading: Here’s one way I envisioned how God can raise the $10,000:

If two people invest $1,000, that's $2,000 toward the goal. I believe there are at least two people receiving this email that have the means and whose heart God can touch about this need.

If six people give $500, that's $3,000. I believe that, for at least six of you, you can do this.

If ten people give $250, that $2,500.

If God touches the hearts of eighteen people to give as mentioned above, we'd be at $7,500. That is do-able!

If 15 people can donate $100, that's another $1,500. Only $1,000 from our goal at this point.

If ten people give $50 and another twenty give $25, that's another $1,000 and the $10,000 goal has been reached.

So, we're asking God for at least 63 people who will respond. As of this writing, we've already had a $25 sponsorship, so now it's 62 people. Of course, God probably has a different way to reach the $10,000 different to what I've outlined. But, please join Marilyn and me in praying that He will bless our efforts to raise these funds, not for our own “glory”, but because of the great need for a continued service for women experiencing a crisis pregnancy and for the children they will either raise or place for adoption. You can be confident that your gift to Lois Lodge is a GOOD investment.

If you can't help at this time, we certainly understand. But, do lift up a prayer for Lois Lodge’s funding needs to be met!