Letter from the Lois' Lodge Board of Directors. For additional information and ways you can help, please visit www.loislodge1000.blogspot.com
January 13, 2010
“The Lord is your protection; you have made God Most High your place of safety. Nothing bad will happen to you; no disaster will come to your home.”
Psalm 91:9-10
Dear Friends of Lois’ Lodge,
As a valued part of the inner circle of our ministry, we want to keep you informed about Lois’ Lodge. This past year was a lean year for us, just as it was for most other non-profits. In spite of some financial belt-tightening, the maternity home continues to operate soundly on a day-to-day basis, and stays at or near capacity. The needs of the mothers in our care are being consistently met, both spiritually and financially. This is due to the faithful support of donors and volunteers and the solid management of our resources by the Lois’ Lodge staff.
Late last year, Lois’ Lodge found itself in a critical situation. For the past few years, we have been blessed with rent-free facilities in the Dillworth area, but this arrangement must now change. As a result, Lois’ Lodge has the opportunity – and immense challenge – of purchasing these properties within six months. The Lodge must cease operations here if we cannot purchase the property by July. Although the homes are reasonably priced, the total cost will be $1.1 million. This is an unprecedented amount of capital to be raised in an extremely short time frame. We know that God is greater than our challenges, and we look to Him for an amazing victory.
The Board of Lois’ Lodge is reaching out to you at this time for one reason: Support.
Unwavering support may take many forms, with the most important being prayer. Please pray for the young women who come through our doors, for the staff and volunteers who reflect God’s grace to them on a daily basis, and for our fundraising efforts. Although the goal seems overwhelming, we have faith in God’s ability to save the Lodge.
Please watch for our upcoming special Lois’ Lodge newsletter, which will give more details and lots of ideas on how you can join in saving the Lodge. God’s hand will be readily seen through your faithful support.
May God strengthen us for His use,
Members of Lois’ Lodge Board of Directors:
John Marx, President
Falinda Farley
Kathi Ingrish
Gwen Johnson
Zeritha McFadden
Deana Kocylowsky
Verne Phifer