Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Teens Needed


National Campaign Accepting Nominations for the 2007-2008 Youth Leadership Team

The deadline to nominate a teen for the National Campaign's next Youth Leadership Team (YLT) is fast approaching and we we hope you will consider nominating some outstanding young people to participate.

Since 1998, the YLT has served as the National Campaign’s eyes and ears into teen culture and its members advise the National Campaign on a variety of issues. The YLT convenes at least twice during the 18-month term to help to shape Campaign policies, programs, and messages; receive training so that they can represent the Campaign to the press and media; work to raise awareness about teen pregnancy and its prevention in their communities; and give voice to the unique perspectives and opinions of teens.

In between meetings the teens are active in implementing prevention programs into their own communities and assisting the Campaign with such projects as The National Day to Prevent Teen Pregnancy and the new teen website, StayTeen.org.

In the past, YLT members have had their opinions published in publications which reach thousands of other teens and adults each year; served as teen spokespeople for media and press outlets such as CNN, The New York Times, MTV, and The Washington Post; visited Capitol Hill and met with their Senators and Representatives to talk about teen pregnancy prevention; and written articles for teen websites and magazines such as Teen People and MTV.com.

The National Campaign is looking for teens who are:
14-17 years of age as of September 1, 2007; Committed to working in their community to prevent teen pregnancy during and between YLT meetings; Able to participate in YLT meetings and events and make the required commitment of time and energy; Able to travel at least two times over an 18-month period to attend YLT meetings in Washington, DC and other Campaign-sponsored events; Interested in talking to local and national media about the role of teens in teen pregnancy prevention; and Willing to work respectfully with others.

We hope that you will nominate any teens that you believe would make a positive contribution to the Youth Leadership Team. Feel free to nominate teens directly or to forward this message to an organization or individual that might want to nominate a teen. This is a unique, fun, and valuable learning experience, as well as an impressive addition to a college resume.

The deadline is Friday, August 3, 2007, so visit the YLT section of our website today and learn more about the YLT and download the nomination form. If you have any questions, please contact Michael Rosst at 202-478-8507 or http://webmail.aol.com/28518/aol/en-us/mrosst@thenc.org.
~ National Campaign Staff

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