Monday, July 30, 2007

What Do I Say to my Friends?

Can you imagine what it would be like having me for a mom? I have been known to bring home brochures on Sexually Transmitted diseases and pass them out to my kids and all of their friends. One day my daughter, Jess said to me- "Mom, if Justin or I ever develop a problem in this area you can be confident it is not your fault. We certainly have received ample information on the subject!" Not sure if she meant that as a compliment but I'll take it that way anywaz. :) I am emailing the article below to my kids. You might want to do so also.

Campus Life, June/July 2004
What Do I Say to My Friends?
Answer by Mark Matlock

Q. How do I explain to my friends why I don't want to watch certain movies or TV shows? I don't want to go against my faith, but I also don't want them to think I'm weird.

A. Great question. Two answers: One way to have more confidence talking about the issue with your friends is if you know exactly why you're not watching something. Think it through. Are you avoiding a certain program because the sexual content makes it more difficult for you to keep your mind pure? Or because it depresses you to hear your God's name used so disrespectfully over and over? Or because the violence seems to make you angry?

Once you know exactly what your faith has to do with your choices, you'll be better able to answer the question for yourself—and your friends. They may not think your specific reasons are so "weird."

Second, realize that you don't have to explain the reason for your choice to your friends. The fact is, when you say "no," that should be good enough for your friends. If they really care about you, they should respect this decision.

On the other hand, telling people exactly why you don't watch certain things is a great way to show your friends that you're committed to living for Jesus—and to guarding your heart (Proverbs 4:23). And who knows? Someone else might have the same views you do, but maybe they're afraid to go against the group. If you take a stand, you might find out that you're not alone!

I've also found that my non-Christian friends respect me for my beliefs just because they see me sticking to principles I've really thought through. Will some friends still think you're weird? Probably. But anyone committed to living like Christ is a little weird in our culture. That's OK. If you stick out a little because you don't go along with the crowd, then you're probably on the right track.

Copyright © 2004 by the author or Christianity Today International/Campus Life magazine.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey! Good lookin blog. I never read blogs but I guess I can make an exception for this one. This article makes a good point. It's like the quote, "If you don't stand for something you'll fall for everything." There is alot of smut in this world especially on TV and in movies. The pressure is overwhelming to just go with the flow and watch things that really do the opposite of uplift and encourage. I personally have a strong view on movies with sexuality with them. I like to look up the movies that I go see online, before I see them in theaters, to see WHY they have the rating that they do. If sexuality is a factor, I flat out don't see them. Too many lives have been messed up because of lax views on when is is appropriate to be sexual. I also cannot support a movie that puts forth images that should be considered porn. I think it is totally vulgar what movies and TV shows submit as acceptable these days....but maybe I'm a little old fashioned! I am also really proud of my amazing fiancee Matt and his stance on this issue. He is not afraid to tell his college buddies that he won't see a movie with them because he is uncomfortable with the content. I am marrying a real winner! :)- Jess