Saturday, December 1, 2007

Men and Abortion Pain 11/28

National Conference on Pain Men Experience After Abortion Starts Wednesday in San Francisco, CA (

The emotional pain women feel from abortions is well-documented, with more than 40 percent experiencing severe depression and drug and alcohol abuse occurring at higher rates compared with women who give birth.
The pain men experience as a result of abortion will finally be highlighted at a national conference Wednesday. The Knights of Columbus and the Archdiocese of San Francisco are co-sponsoring the first national conference to focus on the effects of abortion on men whose partners had abortions. Featuring an international panel of speakers, the "Reclaiming Fatherhood" conference will be held Nov. 28-29 at St. Mary's Cathedral in San Francisco. The Milwaukee-based Office of Post-Abortion Reconciliation, headed by Vicki Thorn, is organizing the conference. Thorn is highly-regarded as one of the first and most experienced post-abortion counselors in the nation and she tells the conference hopes to bring to light the "invisible" pain of men and abortion. She says society at large and even in the churches and pro-life community, the profound effect that abortion has on fathers whose children are aborted is not often acknowledged or understood.

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