Friday, December 21, 2007

Abortion Drastically Increases Pregnancy Risks

Abortion Drastically Increases Risk of Pre-Term and Low-Weight Births

Richmond, VA (

Women who have one or more abortions face a drastically increased risk of giving birth to a pre-term or low birthweight baby in a subsequent pregnancy. That's the conclusion a team of scientists from Virginia Commonwealth University drew in a new report published in the latest issue of the Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health.The researchers examined data on over 45,500 mothers giving birth in the United States and found that about 11 percent of all women had low birthweight infants and 14 percent had premature births. But women who reported at least one prior abortion were almost three times as likely to have a low birthweight baby as those who carried the pregnancy to term. This risk increased to five-fold in women who had two previous abortions and to nine-fold in women who had a history of three abortions. Similarly, women with one previous abortion were 70 percent more likely to have a pre-term birth. This risk increased to two-fold in women with a history of two abortions and three-fold in those with three or more abortions. Full story at

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