Tuesday, June 3, 2008

License to Live

Below is an email which I received providing an update on the Choose Life License Plate. This is an important and historical opportunity for the State of North Carolina. The Choose Life License Plate will offer those that are prolife the opportunity to make that statement in their community and will also provide much needed funds to help Crisis Pregnancy Centers across the state. If you are in favor of this initiative please read below to see how you can take action to help to assure that this important bill is passed.

The bill for the Choose Life License Plate is now in the finance committee. Planned Parenthood is actively fighting against this initiative. Please be in prayer that it will receive favorable action. We are grateful for Representative Mitch Gillespie, who has introduced the bill for the past five years. In submitting it to the finance committee, Rep. Gillespie amended it to read that the funds would go to Carolinas Pregnancy Care Fellowship, rather than the state, to be disbursed among the Crisis Pregnancy Centers in NC.

In FL, the plates are raising $800,000 annually. NC's population is approximately half of FL's, but there is still potential for a good deal of money to flow into pregnancy ministries with the approval of the plate.

To view (and contact) the members of the finance committee, go to:


The chairman of the committee is Representative Paul Luebke.


1 comment:

Russ & Jill ____Amerling said...

Dear Lois' Lodge,

Thank you for spreading the great word about the potential for a Choose Life license plate in North Carolina. Choose Life, Inc. has been working with groups and individuals across the nation for 10 years to help make the Choose Life plate a reality in every state. The plate has now been approved in 21 states and is curently available in 17 (soon to be 19 by this fall). The plate has raised over $5.7 million in Florida where it has been available since August 2000. It has raised an additional $3 million in the other states. This number will continue to grow as more and more states come online and join the family of Choose Life license plate states.
There is much more information about the National Choose Life license plate effort at our web site newsletter www.choose-life.org/newsletter.html.

Russ & Jill Amerling
Choose Life, Inc.
National Publicity Coordinators
Choose Life license plate
PO Box 830152
Ocala, FL 34483
Toll Free 877 454-1203
Email: russ@choose-life.org
Web: www.choose-life.org